Untitled 01002016

glass, metal, wood, led lights
29 x 29 x 35 cm
(wooden plinth h 111 cm)

“If I well remember
was it you
breaking some amber”

> > > installation “MONOLITH” here: https://dionea.net/2018/05/19/dionea-monolith/




Within the space looms a primordial monolith, upon which a mysterious glass display case is placed. It is a matrix, divided into compartments of laminated glass inside which a composition of metal points evokes the order of each existing element. Infinite possibilities of representation can be created in the world using the line and the point – their primordial forms – and thus, in the microworld of Dionea, the distances between points, binding them one to another, create matter and the world itself. Here, the universe and the elements possess a harmony inflected upon a geometrical level: in imitating the surrounding space, the points perimetrically reproduce its appearance. Dionea’s installation is in fact the representation of a microcosm which has no life of its own but is the representation of a world, of a space, of the stars, of the beings that inhabit a cosmos, of the planets, of nature and of cells. Depending upon the angle from which they are viewed, the points seem to change position, but there is an order to this interior that regulates its structure: subjectively, a kinetic change of perception – which occurs totally naturally – is provided by the perspective with which the viewer who is about to experience this world views the strata of the display case, but the actual order remains unchanged.

The artist uses geometry to evoke these archetypes: the object itself which encloses the various motifs, the form and the levels of the glass case, are square in shape, and the composition almost always develops in a circular manner. The Circle and the Square represent the two fundamental aspects of God: unity is equivalent to divine manifestation. The material of which the matrix itself is ​​composed – glass – gives the effect of canceling the distance between interior and exterior, between the space and its reproduction, symbolically combining the physical dimension with the ideal one. Moreover, it is the material most able to filter light, a fundamental element in this ritual and symbol of creation par excellence.