Feb 2018
Via dei Cappellari, Roma, Italy
Installation by Edoardo Dionea Cicconi


From the visionary Liberty forms of the early ‘900s through iconic designers of the ‘60s avant-garde, including Ettore Sottsass, Angelo Mangiarotti, Mario Botta, Lino Sabattini and Piero Fornasetti, up to emerging contemporary talents like Coralla Maiuri, Sophie Dries, Federica Elmo, Valentina Cameranesi and Sara Ricciardi. The exhibition reworks the classic myth of the infamous vase that Zeus bestowed—yet forbid to open—upon the sister of Prometheus, putting into play an ironic turnaround: the disobedience to the warning of the gods leads only to a wonderful explosion of shapes, colors and kaleidoscopic tropical visions.

A site specific project by Edoardo Dionea Cicconi will be presented in the Sala Bianca, the project room of the gallery. A totem monolith of black wood and glass will stand out in the center of the project room: a case in which bodies of iridescent butterflies float as if frozen by the time of an absurd geometry; jewels of taxidermy in a dramatic implosion of beauty. The artist in fact reverses the myth of Pandora, imobilizing the wonder and amazement within the work, and creating an eternal guardian.